
Monday, October 24, 2011

Raw Buckwheat Crispies

I like to make a big batch of these and store them for future use.  They are easy, versatile and store well  for long periods of time.  They  add a wonderful crunch to biscuits and are just as good ground to flour for use in pancakes.  Me personally, I like them as pictured alongside some poached pears whereas the boys think they are pretty neat sprinkled over some homemade beet ice cream with orange.  I should also mention they aren't bad with almond milk either.  If you don't have a dehydrator don't worry, simply set your oven to its lowest temp possible and cook until dried and crunchy bearing in mind that cooking time will be less than in a dehydrator due to temperature variations.  

Buckwheat Crispies
By Ani Phyo
Makes approximately 2 cups

2 cups buckwheat groats

Soak the groats  in a large bowl with three times the amount of water added overnight
Rinse well the following morning by placing the soaked buckwheat in a strainer and rinsing under cold water then drain

Spread evenly on a dehydrator tray and dry at 40 degrees celcius  (104 degrees farhenheit) for 3 – 5 hours or until completely dry
Mix them around every now and again to ensure even drying

If using your oven set it to its lowest temperature possible and bear in mind that drying time will be shorter and they will not be considered raw due to the likelihood that the oven will be a higher temp 

Store the buckwheat crispies in an airtight glass jar for several months

To Poach Pears (my quick way)
Serves 2

1 pear, sliced evenly, seeds and core removed
1 cinnamon stick 
1 star anise

Place pear slices into a small heavy based saucepan with about a 1/4 - 1/2 cup water 
Add the cinnamon stick and star anise and gently cook over a low to medium heat until soft approximately 10 mins
remove the cinnamon stick and star anise and spoon the pears over buckwheat crispies, oats or yoghurt

i like to reserve the poaching liquid for use in cakes and muffins for added flavour

To serve: 

Spoon a layer of yoghurt into a glass followed by a layer of buckwheat crispies, then poached pears and repeat before topping with coconut, chopped walnuts and a drizzle of poaching liquid or maple syrup


  1. Love buckwheat but I never would have thought of using it this way. Thank you for sharing.
    PS Great photos, eventhough I know how tricky it is to photograph food in those glasses :-)

  2. Anonymous24/10/11

    I had no idea you could eat raw buckwheat... I bet the crunch and the nutiness add an interesting layer to anything! Awesome presentation, too.

  3. What a great recipe, and a totally new to me way to eat buckwheat.

  4. This looks fantastic! Gorgeous photos, too.

    I also didn't realize you could eat raw buckwheat :D

