
Monday, December 12, 2011

Giving, Sharing and Saying Thanks with Honey Ginger Cantuccini

Can somebody please tell me where the last 12 months have gone?  As the year draws to a close it is time to say thanks and be gracious for all the year has given us.  As my husband and i look toward the start of school for our eldest son next year we can't help but feel our lives and his are moving way to quickly.   Over the course of last week we baked many batches of biscuits to share and say thanks to the teachers and carers that have helped shape our sons growth and development over the years whilst in care and, of our many batches these "little nooks" as the Tuscans would refer were our favourite by far.

We also took part in The Great Food Blogger Cookie Swap and shared the honey almond cantuccini above with Amanda from Easy Peasy Organic, Steph from Bondville and Yasmeen from Wandering Spice which was great fun especially when parcels of cookies started arriving by mail instead of bills....  I love that and so did my two prize taste testers!!!  To make these simply omit the glace ginger in the recipe below and replace with finely chopped almonds instead.  

Honey & Ginger Cantuccini
(inspired by Maria Speck)
Makes approx 44 small biscuits

1 3/4 cups spelt four
1 cup lightly packed almond meal
1/2 tsp fine sea salt
1/2 cup finely chopped glace ginger
1/2 cup cold press olive oil
1/2 cup  raw honey
2 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract

Chocolate for topping if desired.....

Whisk together the flour, almond meal and salt in a large bowl
Then scatter in the ginger
Make a well in the centre of the dry mix
In another bowl whisk the olive oil, honey and vanilla until thick and syrup like
Add the wet mix to the centre of the dry ingredients and combine using a rubber spatula just until a soft dough forms
Do not over mix
Then cover with a clean cloth and let sit at room temp for 30 mins

Position a rack in the centre of the oven and preheat to 150 C or 300 F
Line a baking sheet with baking paper

Lightly sprinkle the bench with almond meal
Cut the dough in the bowl into four  equal pieces
It will be soft and sticky so briefly knead each piece to smooth and form into a log shape that is about
7 inches long and 1 1/2 inches wide
Add more almond meal if needed
Repeat with the remaining dough then place the logs onto the prepared baking sheet, leaving approx 2 inches between

Bake the logs until small cracks show in the top and they are just starting to brown approx 25 - 30 mins
Remove from the oven and carefully slide off the baking sheet onto a wire rack to cool for roughly15 mins
Leave the oven going

Once cooled place the logs on a cutting board and then take a sharp serrated edged knife and cut each log diagonally in 1/2 inch thick pieces.
Place the slices upright on the same baking sheet you used previously and return to the oven
Bake the cantuccini until it feels dry to touch at the cut sides and the edges just start to brown approx 15 mins
Transfer the cantuccini to a wire rack to cool completely before drizzling with dark melted chocolate if you wish

We made cards that said"thankyou for making me shine"

gift wrapped our biscuits in some pretty boxes for safe transport

and nibbled on some of our creations of course........


  1. Totally fantastic and incredibly wrapped. Thank you Sherilynn!

  2. These were so lovely - and so delish! I love that little quote, too ... what a great idea to include lovely touches like that on cards :)

    Thanks, gorgeous! See you in the new year!

  3. very yummy! I love the idea ofa cookie swap, maybe I'll organise a gluten free one for next Christmas (yes, its closer than we ever think!) thanks for the inspiration!

  4. What a beautiful idea to swap cookies and your little pink boxes look as cute as can be!
    (p.s thanks for your comment on my blog, just letting you know I'm giving away a copy of that cute calendar. If you are interested just leave a comment on my last post (a few of my favourite things, december 2011) to be in the draw. Closes Christmas day.
    Merry Christmas Sherilyn, I've so enjoyed reading your blog this year xx

  5. Anonymous3/2/12

    Just baked a batch of your cookies - delish. don't think they will last long at our house. Would love to know where you bought your tin boxes, if you don't mind sharing. They would be perfect for my daughter's birthday.
